Miniature Pinscher
Country of Origin:
Stag Red, Black & Tan, Chocolate & Rust, Red, Black & Rust, Chocolate & Tan
Life Expectancy:
11 – 13 years
Male: 25–30 cm, Female: 25–28 cm
Male: 4–5 kg, Female: 3,5–4 kg
Litter Size:
2 - 5 puppies
Ad ID: 112139
The Miniature Pinscher is a small, compact, muscular, sleek dog with square proportions and well-chiseled lines. The topline is either level or sloping slightly towards the rear.
The front legs are straight and the dewclaws removed. The feet are small and catlike. The muzzle is strong and in good proportion to the rest of the dog. The teeth should meet in a scissors bite.
The dark bright eyes are oval. Cropping the ears is optional, but the tail is always docked. It appears naturally well-groomed and self-possessed. The Miniature Pinscher's short, easy-care coat usually comes in red, but may also be black & tan or chocolate. The dog has an unusual high stepping gait.
Temperament: Playful, Outgoing, Responsive, Friendly, Energetic, Clever
Health Problems: Generally healthy.
The front legs are straight and the dewclaws removed. The feet are small and catlike. The muzzle is strong and in good proportion to the rest of the dog. The teeth should meet in a scissors bite.
The dark bright eyes are oval. Cropping the ears is optional, but the tail is always docked. It appears naturally well-groomed and self-possessed. The Miniature Pinscher's short, easy-care coat usually comes in red, but may also be black & tan or chocolate. The dog has an unusual high stepping gait.
Temperament: Playful, Outgoing, Responsive, Friendly, Energetic, Clever
Health Problems: Generally healthy.
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The Miniature Pinscher is a small, compact, muscular, sleek dog with square proportions and well-chiseled lines. The topline is either level or sloping slightly towards the rear. The front legs are straight and the dewclaws removed.
View: Miniature Pinscher Breed
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