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Irish Red and White Setter

Irish Red and White Setter Breed South Africa

Breed: Irish Setter Red and White
Alphabetically: I
Country of Origin: Ireland
Color: Red & White
Life Expectancy: 11 – 13 years
Height: Male: 62–66 cm, Female: 56–61 cm
Weight: Male: 25–34 kg, Female: 25–34 kg
Litter Size: 6 - 12 puppies
Hypoallergenic: No
Ad ID: 112113
The Irish Red and White Setter is strong and powerful, without lumber - athletic rather than racy.

The head is broad in proportion to body, with good stop. Skull domed without occipital protuberance as in Irish Red Setters, fairly square, clean muzzle.

The eyes are hazel or dark brown, round, slight prominence and without haw. The ears are set level with the eyes and well back, lying close to head. The jaw is strong with a perfect regular scissor bite, ie Upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. The neck is moderately long, very muscular, but not too thick, slightly arched free from throatiness. The shoulders are well laid back. Elbows free, turning neither in nor out. Strong, oval bone well muscled, sinewy, pasterns slightly sloping.

The body is strong and muscular, deep chest and well sprung ribs. Back and quarters very muscular and powerful. bone strong, well built up with muscle and sinew. The hindquarters are wide and powerful. Legs from hip to hock long and muscular from hock to heel short and strong. Stifle well bent, hocks well let down turning neither in nor out. The feet are close-knit, well feathered between toes. The tail is strong at the root, tapering to fine point, with no appearance of ropiness, not reaching below hock. Well feathered, carried level with back or below in lively manner.

The coat is finely textured with good feathering. Slight wave permissible but never curly. Coat colors are clearly parti-colored, ie base color white, solid red patches. Mottling or flecking but not roaning permitted around face and feet and up foreleg to elbow and up the hind leg to the hock.

Temperament: Playful, Reliable, Affectionate, Devoted, Energetic, Loyal

Health Problems: Prone to von Willebrand’s disease and PPC (Posterior Polar Cataract), a relatively minor form of cataract that doesn't normally lead to blindness. Also, Canine Leucocyte Adhesion Deficiency (CLAD), which is an autoimmune disease.
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