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Gordon Setter

Gordon Setter Breed South Africa

Breed: Gordon Setter
Alphabetically: G
Country of Origin: Scotland
Color: Black & Tan
Life Expectancy: 10 - 12 years
Height: Female: 58–66 cm, Male: 61–69 cm
Weight: Female: 20–32 kg, Male: 25–36 kg
Litter Size: 3 - 8 puppies
Hypoallergenic: No
Ad ID: 112096
The Gordon Setter differs from the English and Irish setters in that it has a more robust structure, a more massive head, and more fully developed lips, as well as by the color of it silky, wavy coat. It is the only black & tan setter. It is a tall, slender dog with a lovely feathered coat. The head is long, chiseled and massive, with a very pronounced stop and a large-nostrilled black nose.

The long muzzle is squared-off, not pointed and should be approximately the same length from nose to stop as the skull from stop to occiput. The teeth may meet in a scissors or level bite, but a scissors bite is preferred. The long, slightly pointed ears hang flat beside that head. The oval eyes are dark brown. The topline slopes gently downward from the withers. The deep chest should reach to the elbows, but should not be too broad. The well-feathered tail is thick at the root, tapering to a fine point. The front legs should be large-boned and straight. The feet should be cat-like, with arched toes and well furnished with hair.

Dewclaws may be removed. The soft, glossy coat may be straight or slightly wavy, with profuse feathering on the legs, underside, ears and tail. The tail feathering should create a triangular silhouette, with the hair gradually growing shorter as the tail tapers. The color should always be black with clearly differentiated tan markings. The location of the marking is important and clearly specified in the official standard.

Temperament: Eager, Fearless, Alert, Loyal, Confident, Gay

Health Problems: Generally healthy, but some are prone to hip dysplasia, eye diseases such as progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) and cataracts. These dogs are prone to bloat and should be fed two or three small meals a day rather than one big one.
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